Costs listed below are for individual riders paying out of pocket.
Third party payer rates are negotiated separately. Feel free to contact 989-366-5309 option#8 for more information.
Regular Service Rates:
Maximum Fee $4.00- in county travel only
Local Travel- General Public $2.00- $4.00
Seniors (age 59+) / Youth 11 & under $1.00- $2.00
Student up to age 18 $1.00-$2.00 (to and from school and school related activities only)
Mobility Disability $1.00- $2.00
Click HERE for the reduced fare application
As drivers do not carry change, please have the correct fare our software is unable to track overpayments moving forward.
Premium Service Rates: Please call our Mobility line at 989-366-5309 Option #2 for more information.
Homebound Delivery Fees: (homebound form required)
Click Here for homebound form
Prescriptions: $2.00- $4.00 Depending on location
Grocery Delivery: $4.50 Countywide